
UX, UI, Motion Design
11, 2018 - 01, 2019
QIYU OS is a brand new Virtual Reality Operating System launched in 2019 which provided a seamless VR experience for users.
Based on the two generations of products that have been launched before, we have accumulated a certain user group. We have crept a large number of features with the users’ requirements for VR experience, but some of the added features are too deep for users to reach, and the jump of the scene in VR always interrupted users. Therefore, before the release of the third generation of VR products, our VR operating system did a comprehensive update to optimize the user's operating experience in VR. We named this version QIYU OS.
I was a part of a product team with 6 designers and 3 product managers and worked directly with the development team. During the research phase, I proposed questions to researchers and interviewed users one on one. After that, I came up with the concept of connecting 3D modeling with the VR user interface which ended up as our final solution. Furthermore, I led interns to define design guidelines and the high fidelity designs using Sketch. Also cooperated with engineers to implement the final solution.
  • How to manage the increasing features in this situation where the user's expectations for VR are overhigh but not clear.
  • Create the best VR Cinema product around the world.
  • Ship the product on time. (Only 3 months for design)
  • Understand user behavior.
  • What are the points of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of target users with our products?
  • Surveys: Collect questions in the product design team and provide them to researchers to start surveys.
  • Interviews: Once surveys are complete, we did interviews with our users to understand users concerns and behaviors deeper.
  • Interviewer: Product managers, UX designers.
  • Interviewee: Users aged 25-35 who bought our products and used by themselves.
Researchers sent out 28,978 surveys to target customers across the country and sorted out a large number of data reports to us. I sorted out the information we needed and made it into a chart to make the team members more clear about the data we need to focus on.

  • As product purchase time increases, users’ freshness and frequency of using decreased.
  • Users are more dissatisfied with software than hardware.
After understood the data from the surveys, we were able to recruit 6 people, who were selected based on their survey answers.
  • What is the reason that you use the product less frequently?
  • What is your process of using our VR products?
  • Have you encountered any problems during the interaction?
  • How long does it take each time? why?
  • Do you know what features have been added recently? If no, then why?
  • What kind of experience do you hope to get in our products?
VR Experience
  • Can not find other features.
    Reorganize the exposure of our functions.
  • No interaction with things in the VR world.
    Increase user playability with 3D modeling.
VR Cinema Experience
  • Video contents are not rich enough.
    Provide users with video streams so that users can get richer choices.
  • Due to power issues, users cannot finish a two-hour movie at once.
    Add histroy feature.
Learning & Findings
Through in-depth conversations with users, I found that our users can be divided into two categories, one is focusing on VR experience, the other is focusing on VR Cinema experience. Since their problems are different so I built two different personas.
Defined goals
Through this series of research, I came up with a solution concept that is to change the information architecture of features, establish navigation on the home screen to provide users with a seamless operating experience. Users can understand all the features at a glance and solve the problem of users which is hard to reach features.
Brainstorming in the group

We have a total of 14 features, and the most difficult part is how to classify them clearly. I drafted various design concepts, and then organized meetings to discuss with other designers.

All features are combined into a navigation bar on the bottom, and classified them as the primary and secondary categories.
  • Result
    Expert test though this concept is too complicatd for users.
Based on the two different personas, seperate the VR cinema-related features and the VR entertainment features. one integrated in navigation bar, another showed as 3D entrance.
  • Result
    Expert test prefered this one, but they thought the recommended section didn't solve Jamie's problems.
Parallel Cross-team Working
Beta Test for UI
Since time is limited, I built a new version of hi fi prototypes quickly and implement it on the beta version to test it.
  • Users hard to turn pages from left side because the buttons on the left side interupted them
  • The search button is too big, users rarely use the search button in VR.
  • Users like the recommended very much, they feel that the content increased literaly.
Ideations for 3D entrances
At the same time, I userd Photoshop to design two different forms of 3D portals to explore more VR playability.
VR Experience
*Open space / 3D modeling Entrances for Game Store, Voice Assistance and Party Cinema
Design Guideline
Mentored interns to organize all design elements into symbols and mark guide words. Define the design system for designers and developers to ensure the consistency of design.

Marketing Feedback

– 99% positive reviews from eCommerce platforms.
– “Totally different experience between the second generation. The newest user interface is mild and humanity, meanwhile, the integrated home screen made this device more like a comprehensive VR product.”     —— From Zhihu

Project takeaway
This project has reorganized and integrated the entire VR information architecture, I realized that user needs are changing rapidly with the market after further communication with our users, and we need to keep up with this change in time to provide solutions. At the same time, I participated in many scenes and the combination of interaction and vision in this design, allowing me to fully appreciate the charm of VR. This project has also improved my leadership by mentoring and leading two interns to complete user flows and guidelines.



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VR Voice Control

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